Omni-Channel Customer Satisfaction: 3 Channels Shaping Your Brand

When executives and directors of financial institutions think of their brand, it’s easy to think of the people who make up your organization, your core values, and the mission of your organization. However, this internally perceived brand reputation can be very different from the way current and potential customers perceive your brand. Most notably, the […]

Customer Satisfaction: 5 Key Benefits to Over-Delivering For Your Customers

Financial institutions who fall short on customer experience tend to lack a sophisticated and well-defined plan for improving customer experience. More importantly, this lack of organization is typically due to a lack of conviction about the efficacy of customer experience improvements. Customer experience is about so much more than a vague, happy sentiment a customer […]

3 Ideas for FinTech Partnerships

FinTech partnerships are incredibly valuable tools. Rather than taking on the responsibility and burden of understanding an intricate sub-element of your business environment, such as security or sophisticated customer data analysis, you can partner with an organization to take that burden off your hands and find mutually beneficial ways for both of your organizations to […]