You Need a Mobile Gut Check

More than any other time, your mobile app is likely experiencing an influx of traffic and new users due to COVID-19. As such, mobile is going to be dictating your overall customer experience and brand perception more than ever before. Simply put — what are you doing about it? This major change deserves your attention, so consider ways in which you can hold your organization accountable to delivering the highest level of service possible through your mobile app.

Higher Use Than Ever Before

According to CNBC, mobile banking usage experienced a “200 percent jump in new mobile banking registrations in early April, while mobile banking traffic rose 85 percent.” That stat alone should give your organization an impetus to start thinking critically about your mobile experience.

Additionally, a large number of new individuals are interacting with your mobile app for the first time. This likely includes individuals who have resisted using your mobile app up until this point, including elderly individuals or others who might be more tech-unfamiliar and resistant. Catering to these “new” individuals is extremely important, and offers a new way to show your customers their importance to you and the tech-forward ways you’re able to serve them. In a best case scenario, you may be able to convince tech-resistant individuals that your mobile app can provide them with services that concretely improve their lives.

Identify Pain Points

In the short term, one of the most obvious ways you can help deliver on your customer experience is by identifying pain points your customers experience while using your mobile app. There are a few ways to collect this information:

  • Supplemental support. Have you had to reduce hours for some of your staff? Consider ways they can be cross-trained for online support, and particularly in ways they can support the influx of new mobile app users and address questions they have. While doing so, have them make notes of regular issues for your app team to address.
  • Flash surveys. Short surveys provide an opportunity for customers to supply critical feedback. These opportunities can take out a lot of the guess work, catch customers while the experience is very top-of-mind (often when exiting a mobile app or completing a task), and can help point you in the right direction by collecting direct and open-ended feedback.
  • Bug issues. Your app development team should be especially vigilant during this time, and take regular opportunities to identify points when your mobile app is malfunctioning.

Above all else, make sure you are finding a way to regularly gauge your mobile app’s performance. Month-over-month tracking can help keep this information straight, tell you how you stack up against your competition, and show how market forces like COVID-19 affect your competitive standing.

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