What is the Customer Experience Pyramid?

Picture walking into a store, and you immediately feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to find what you need. The store layout is confusing, the staff seem disengaged, and you leave without ever finding what you need, feeling frustrated knowing you’ll have to stop by another store. 

This scenario highlights the critical importance of understanding and implementing the Customer Experience (CX) Pyramid. This framework could have transformed this disappointing encounter into a positive, memorable experience, encouraging loyalty and repeat business. 

The CX Pyramid is a multifaceted model that guides businesses in proactively creating customer interactions. It’s more than just addressing the immediate needs or queries of customers; it’s about understanding the deeper layers of customer engagement and how each interaction contributes to the overall perception of a brand. 

In a competitive business environment, the CX Pyramid has become an essential tool for differentiation. It helps businesses meet and exceed customer expectations at various levels, turning routine transactions into opportunities for truly wow-ing customers. By applying the principles of the CX Pyramid, companies can ensure that every aspect of the customer experience is the best it can be, from start to finish. 

Ultimately, the Customer Experience Pyramid is not just about avoiding negative customer interactions like the one described; it’s about proactively crafting each touchpoint to resonate positively with customers. It’s taking a holistic approach to customer experience, ensuring that your organization is consistently delighting customers. 

Gartner’s five levels of the pyramid 

Gartner, a global leader in research and advisory, gives CX guidance through its Five Levels of the CX Pyramid. This model is designed to help businesses improve their customer interactions and build stronger relationships at every stage of the customer journey. As you move up the pyramid, the level of CX becomes more evolved. 

  1. Communication Level 

At this initial level, the focus is on delivering clear and useful information to customers. It involves choosing the right channels and timing to communicate effectively, ensuring that customers receive the information they need when they need it. 

  1. Responsive Level 

You address customer problems quickly and efficiently, balancing meeting business objectives and satisfying customer needs. Quick resolution and efficiency are paramount here.

  1. Commitment Level 

This level involves a deeper engagement with customers. It’s about actively listening to and understanding their unique needs and then resolving them effectively. This stage is crucial for building trust and demonstrating a genuine commitment to customer care. 

  1. Proactive Level 

Being proactive means anticipating customer needs before they even arise. This level is about providing experiences that foresee and address these needs, creating a more intuitive and thoughtful CX. 

  1. Evolution Level 

The top of the pyramid is about creating transformative experiences for customers. It’s here that businesses aim to make customers feel empowered, safer, or more influential through their interactions with the brand. This level is about leaving a lasting positive impact on customers’ lives. 

Starting from fundamental communication and moving up to creating transformative experiences, each level builds upon the last, guiding businesses in developing a comprehensive and effective CX strategy. 

Map your customer journey up the CX pyramid 

Integrating the concept of customer journey mapping with Gartner’s CX Pyramid provides businesses with a powerful approach to elevate their customer experience. This combination allows companies to strategically map and enhance each interaction along the customer journey, aligning it with the five distinct levels of the CX Pyramid. This process ensures that every step of the customer journey is not just executed efficiently, but also contributes to deeper, more meaningful customer relationships. 

  1. Aligning the Journey with the Communication Level 

At the base of the pyramid, the focus is on ensuring that all customer interactions are informed and clear. Mapping the customer journey at this stage involves identifying every touchpoint and ensuring that at each stage, customers are furnished with timely and relevant information. This 

could mean optimizing website content, improving product descriptions, or ensuring clarity in marketing communications. 

  1. Enhancing Responsiveness 

The next step involves making each touchpoint responsive. Customer journey mapping at this stage identifies how quickly and effectively customer queries and issues are resolved. This might involve streamlining support channels, improving response times, and ensuring solutions align with customer and business goals.

  1. Deepening Commitment 

At the commitment level, journey mapping becomes more personalized. Here, businesses focus on understanding and addressing unique customer needs at each touchpoint. It’s about going beyond standardized solutions to offer personalized interactions, whether through customized product recommendations, tailored support, or empathetic customer service. 

  1. Proactive Customer Experiences 

Moving up to the proactive level, businesses use insights from customer journey mapping to anticipate customer needs before they are explicitly stated. This could involve using predictive analytics to offer relevant products or services, or proactively reaching out to customers with helpful information or support based on their journey so far. 

  1. Facilitating Evolution 

At the top of the pyramid, journey mapping helps create transformative customer experiences. Here, the focus is on how each interaction can make the customer feel empowered, safe, or influential. This might involve creating loyalty programs that offer more than just rewards or designing customer experiences that resonate deeply on a personal level. 

Customer Experience Pyramid for Banks and Credit Unions

How can banks and credit unions use the CX pyramid to their advantage? 

At the foundational level, effective communication is key. This involves ensuring that information, from account operations to fee structures, is transparent, accessible, and easily understood. Utilizing various channels such as mobile apps, online portals, and face-to-face consultations, banks can provide timely, relevant information, setting the stage for a relationship based on clarity and trust. 

Moving up the pyramid, responsiveness in banking becomes crucial. This means quickly addressing customer inquiries and resolving issues. Whether it’s simplifying the loan application process or ensuring customer service is readily available and effective, a responsive approach helps the customer trust their bank. 

Personalization plays a pivotal role at the next level. Banks can grow customer loyalty by offering personalized financial advice, customizing products to individual customer profiles, or tailoring services to meet specific needs. This level of individualized attention demonstrates a commitment to understanding and valuing each customer. 

For proactive engagement, banks should anticipate customer needs to provide a more intuitive CX. Offering preemptive advice, alerting customers to potential issues, or providing financial management tools tells customers you want to address their needs proactively.

At the top of the pyramid, banks aim to create transformative experiences that empower customers. This could encompass initiatives like financial education programs that improve customers’ financial literacy, innovative banking products that enhance control and security, or community-focused projects that position the bank as a partner in customers’ financial success. 


Viewing the banking CX through the CEP provides a multi-layered approach to customer service. It’s about building a journey where every interaction, from the most basic to the most impactful, contributes to a relationship grounded in trust, satisfaction, and mutual growth. 

At CSP, our deep understanding of customer experience management, backed by over 35 years of expertise in the field, positions us uniquely to guide you through the complexities of creating an effective customer experience strategy. Our team is dedicated to helping you not just meet but surpass customer expectations, crafting a customer journey that is both engaging and rewarding. With our extensive knowledge in data analysis and customer experience, we can provide you with the tools and insights needed to transform your customer interactions into powerful drivers of growth and success. 

Contact us today to learn how CSP can assist in elevating your customer experience, ensuring your business thrives in today’s competitive landscape and achieves long-term success.

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