Manage Your Customer Relationship

In order to satisfy your customers, you need to know them, and in order to know them intimately, you need to gather, record and make available as much information about them as possible.

How are you currently managing your relationships with your customers? What do you know about them? How accessible is that knowledge, and can your universal banker staff easily make sense of it? Think about the following data points in terms of ways to better understand your customers and improve your relationship with them.


The background of your customers – things like housing, income, and age – can help start to frame a picture of who they are. As an example, age can point you in the right direction of certain technology behaviors, and the more background info you have on your customers, the better.

In particular, understanding their overall economic status and income level, along with major purchases or loans, can help give your organization a better idea of the type of consumer they are, and where you can best meet their needs.

As an example, an affluent individual with multiple children in their 30s may have extremely different priorities from an individual at a similar income level, but in their 50s and without children. Loans, savings, and ways their money is spent will likely vary between these two individuals, and affect the types of offers they’ll perceive as most valuable.

The richness of the background information can help you gain a more granular perspective on their likely behaviors and how they want to work with your organization.

Security History

You should have a catalog of any security issues individuals customers have experienced. What pain points has this individual experienced in the past year? Make sure to build out a detailed log of security issues, password resets and general customer behavior.

This history log can help in multiple ways: you can understand their behavior and preferences in order to better help protect their security moving forward, and you can make sure your customer support staff have context for any past issues or frustrations, which may arise again if the customer encounters future issues.

Account History

Make sure your universal banker staff understands the ways your customer has grown with your organization. This could include new accounts opened, inquiries, relationships on file with separate organizations, and any applications they’ve submitted.

Putting together these separate pieces can help point you in the right direction of future behavior and give you context for ways to deepen and expand your relationship with customers in ways that are useful to them.

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