3 Strategies for Integrating With Your Customers

As a financial institution, your organization has the unique opportunity to play a daily role in the lives of your customers. The chance to serve as a constant underlying function of their purchasing, organizing, budgeting and overall family wellbeing entrusts your organization with a great deal of responsibility and upside.

When you consider customer experience, how are you aligning yourself with your customers’ lives? In particular, your organization should focus on serving as a well-oiled background utility, integrating yourself with various parts of your customers’ lives and providing useful ways for them to improve their financial wellbeing.

Make sure your organization focuses on the following aspects to truly create a seamless relationship with your customers.

Becoming a Background Utility

When a customer visits your branch, your organization always strives to deliver the best possible customer experience, utilizing universal bankers to deliver a continuous employee contact and optimizing each touchpoint within the customer journey.

Similarly, your organization should optimize your customer experience for digital banking and app-based experiences. In particular, your financial institution should strive for low-friction interactions, where you seamlessly integrate with your customers’ lives in a way that is quick, meaningful, and practically without thought.

An example of this is an overdraft notification, texted to your customer’s mobile device. This shows your organization being proactive, anticipating your customer’s need, and providing a solution. Even better, your organization could simply send a follow-up email letting your customer know you moved money to prevent them from overdrafting, and that the problem was taken care of.

Interactions such as these incorporate your financial institution in your customers’ lives without much effort or thought on their end.

Cross Selling and Various Points of Contact

Your financial institution should utilize customer data to make timely offerings and create a deepened, multi-product/service relationship with your customers. For example, your organization can facilitate a mortgage with an existing banking/checking customer, expanding your reach and providing a more meaningful and wide-reaching relationship.

By utilizing customer data, your organization could anticipate when customers might be thinking about purchasing a home, as an example. A subsequent, timely offer for a mortgage that utilizes their credit score and is tailored to their buying power could prove to be particularly enticing and show your organization listens and works with your customers’ actions.

By being their mortgage provider, your financial institution deepens its relationship with your customer and broadens the business relationship.

Smart Budgeting and Integrations

Most customers think of their financial institutions and their budget separately, but by providing tools to organize budgets directly within your banking portal, you can streamline your customers’ activities, sustain their interaction with your organization, and expand your role by serving as a partner and financial advisor.

Make sure your organization goes above and beyond to provide these tools and present yourself as a sophisticated, modern financial institution working not only to provide the online banking infrastructure your customers need, but to also provide the tools and knowledge to help them make the most of their finances.

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