Bridging the Survey-Action Gap Turning Customer Feedback into Meaningful Insights

Customer surveys have become an indispensable tool for banks aiming to improve the customer experience. They help banks gauge satisfaction, identify pain points, and understand expectations. However, turning survey data into actionable insights is often difficult, and it’s easy to get stuck in the survey-action gap. Several factors contribute to the existence of this gap: […]

How Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Customer Insights

To thrive and grow, financial institutions need to understand their customers – their motivations, needs, and expectations. This involves collecting, analyzing, and putting into action data on customer satisfaction. It can be very time-consuming – banking leaders are often surprised to learn how difficult it is to get accurate customer insights. The advent of Artificial […]

The Neuroscience of Customer Satisfaction

Customers expect more than ever from their banks. From convenience to personalization, the bar for customer satisfaction is set higher and higher as companies like Apple and Amazon use technology and design to deliver amazing customer experiences. This makes customer-centricity a strategic imperative. Banks need every possible tool in their toolkit to surprise and delight […]