13 Ways to Improve Employee Engagement

In today’s post-Covid, remote-friendly world, employee engagement become critical – but it’s also at an all-time low. According to Gallup’s 2023 State of the Global Workplace report, only 15% of employees worldwide are engaged in their work. There’s a pressing need to improve engagement levels, as research consistently shows that engaged employees perform better, experience lower rates of burnout, and stay in organizations longer. They’re also better advocates for customers, and the link between employee engagement and customer experience has been proven repeatedly.

Continuously measuring employee engagement in your organization over time is the best way to catch engagement issues before they become bigger morale problems. There are many thoughtful ways to show employees you value them and are working to build a great workplace culture. This article will define employee engagement and cover the 13 best ways to improve it and reap the benefits.

What is Employee Engagement?

First, let’s define employee engagement. One of the most widely recognized definitions comes from William Kahn, a professor of organizational behavior at Boston University. Kahn defines employee engagement as “the harnessing of organization members’ selves to their work roles; in engagement, people employ and express themselves physically, cognitively, and emotionally during role performances.”

Employee engagement is holistic, involving more than just the physical presence of employees at work. It involves their cognitive and emotional connection to their roles. Engaged employees don’t just go through the motions; they invest their whole selves into their work, actively contributing their skills, ideas, and passion to achieve individual and organizational success.

Employee Engagement & the Customer Experience

Multiple studies have shown that the customer experience and the employee experience are deeply interconnected. Attracting and retaining top talent is essential to delivering a top-notch CX and overall business success.

Engaged employees put the customer first, driving overall company performance. That’s why listening and acting on employee feedback is so important. Employees are often the frontline ambassadors of the brand, interacting directly with customers and learning their preferences, pain points, and expectations. By collecting employee feedback and implementing changes based on their input, organizations can identify opportunities for improvement, enhance the employee experience, and ultimately deliver a better CX.

Data collection and analysis are pivotal in identifying opportunities to increase employee engagement. Organizations can gain valuable insights into factors affecting engagement levels by leveraging employee feedback surveys, performance metrics, and other relevant data sources. This data-driven approach enables organizations to pinpoint areas for improvement, tailor interventions to address specific needs and measure the impact of engagement initiatives over time.

How to Improve Employee Engagement

In addition to measuring employee engagement, many thoughtful, research-backed ways exist to improve employee engagement. These 13 strategies address various aspects of employee engagement, from fostering a positive work culture to providing growth opportunities.

  1. Connect what employees do with what they care about.
    Take the time to understand your employees’ interests, strengths, and career aspirations. Have conversations and learn what they care about and want to work on. Then, tailor tasks and responsibilities to align with their passions and professional goals.
  2. Make work less stressful & more enjoyable.
    Prioritize employee well-being and create a positive work environment. Implement programs to support work-life balance and reduce stress levels. Foster a culture of appreciation where employees feel valued and acknowledged for their contributions.
  3. Prioritize feedback.
    Offer easy ways for employees to give feedback to identify improvement areas. Additionally, establish a culture that values constructive input from employees at all levels. Encourage regular feedback sessions where employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, ideas, and concerns. 
  4. Coordinate volunteer opportunities.
    Engage employees in meaningful activities that align with their interests and values while positively impacting the community. Collaborate with local nonprofits or charitable organizations to identify volunteer opportunities that resonate with your employees’ passions and skills.
  5. Prioritize physical and mental health.
    Implement wellness initiatives that support employees in maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Offer access to fitness programs, mental health resources, and counseling services to support employees’ holistic well-being.
  6. Recognize and reward top performers.
    Acknowledge top performers’ contributions, motivate continued excellence, and reward behaviors you want others to emulate.
  7. Remove unnecessary tasks and workflows.
    Streamline processes and enhance employee productivity and satisfaction. Conduct regular reviews of existing workflows and identify tasks that are redundant, time-consuming, or no longer aligned with organizational goals.
  8. Equip managers with employee engagement training.
    Empower managers with the skills and knowledge needed to lead and motivate their teams effectively. Provide comprehensive training programs covering communication, feedback delivery, conflict resolution, and recognition strategies.
  9. Offer industry training opportunities.
    Support employees in advancing their skills, knowledge, and career development within their respective fields. Partner with reputable training providers or institutions to offer courses, workshops, and certifications relevant to employees’ roles and career aspirations.
  10. Optimize your onboarding process.
    Ensure new employees feel welcomed, supported, and equipped for success from day one.
  11. Give your employees autonomy.
    Give your employees the freedom to exercise control over their work and how it’s performed. Encourage employees to take ownership of their projects, set their own goals, and determine the best approach to achieving them.
  12. Set attainable goals.
    Challenge employees to stretch their abilities while remaining realistic and achievable within a reasonable timeframe. Collaborate with employees to establish clear and specific goals that align with organizational objectives and individual aspirations.
  13. Model your core values and mission.
    Don’t just talk about how important your values and mission are. Your employees will only embody your organization’s core values if they see them reflected in leadership.


In today’s rapidly evolving workplace, where remote-friendly environments have become the new norm, employee engagement has never been more crucial. With engagement levels hovering at an all-time low, organizations face the urgent task of revitalizing their workforce to drive productivity, satisfaction, and retention. The profound connection between employee engagement and the customer experience underscores the importance of prioritizing employee well-being, feedback, and growth opportunities.

As organizations navigate the complexities of improving employee engagement, the 13 strategies outlined in this article offer practical, research-backed approaches to fostering a thriving workplace culture.

At CSP, we understand the critical role that employee engagement plays in driving organizational success. Our comprehensive solutions empower organizations to transform employee input into actionable insights that enhance engagement and drive productivity. Let us partner with you to create a workplace where employees feel valued, motivated, and empowered to achieve their full potential. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your organization in building a culture of engagement and excellence.

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